About the Program
The York County Council’s Affordable Housing Heating Assistance program was started in 2000 and has provided families with fuel when all other avenues are exhausted. Since the program’s inception, we have provided over $186,800 in heating assistance. Money is raised annually to support this program.
Special thanks to our heating assistance partner, Downeast Energy, who provides us with discounted pricing for the heating season.
Do You Qualify?
Use the table below to calculate whether you or your family are eligible for assistance. If yes, contact the general assistance staff at your town link below:
- Acton, Alfred, Arundel, Biddeford, Cornish, Dayton, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Lebanon, Limerick, Lyman, Newfield, North Berwick, Ogunquit, Parsonsfield, Saco, Sanford, Shapleigh, Waterboro & Wells:
1-$54,050; 2-$61,800; 3-69,500; 4-$77,200; 5-$83,400; 6-$89,600; 7-$95,750; 8-$101,950 - Berwick, Buxton, Eliot, Hollis, Kittery, Limington, Old Orchard Beach, South Berwick & York:
1-$66,300; 2-$75,750; 3-$85,200; 4-$94,650; 5-$102,250; 6-$109,800; 7-$117,400; 8-$124,950
For Our Members
On behalf of the York County Council of the Maine Association of REALTORS®, THANK YOU for your support.